

 Being a therapist can be destabilizing.  You’re meta-processing yourself all. of. the. time. All of your family of origin wounds, and those of your clients, won’t stop playing in your mind. All the while you’re trying to feel competent, self-regulated and effective.  I know. It’s a lot. I have been there. 

You probably have all kinds of supports in your life - colleagues, supervisors, consultants - but  its possible you can’t be fully vulnerable with them. Its hard to speak up and say that you’ve overwhelmed when you are simultaneously expecting yourself to have all of your shit together.

We all struggle.  It’s what makes us human.  As professionals it can feel so shaming to need support.  As someone who has truly been there, let me help.  It will get easier, I promise.

I offer psychotherapy, consultation and supervision to therapists in the community.  Please let me know if you are working towards your certification as an independent practitioner for CRPO.